Thursday, February 3, 2011

365 :: One Photo a Day { January 2011 }

My 365 project is coming along, and I'm really enjoying it. Most days it's easy for me to pick up the camera and snap a photo or two. But some days I forget all about it until late at night and then I'm really challenged to 1) find something to photograph and 2) get the right lighting. I only missed two days, so not bad. I'm not going to beat myself up if I miss a couple days here or there.

I decided I'm going to build a Blurb book (size 7x7") with one photo a page or spread. The maximum page count they have for the 7x7 book is 440 so I have a little wiggle room to add monthly title pages, and include a full photo spread here and there.

Here's a glimpse of the book with January. What do you think? I'm definitely going simple. Not just because I like simple books, but because if I do anything fancier it just won't get done. The cover is just for placement. I'll design it once the book is complete. Now that I look at it in book form I'm wondering if I should go all black & white with the text/background. What do you think? Is the color distracting? Or does it add life to the book for you? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Janauary 365: complete!


Arlene said...

Absolutely love it!! Color is not distracting at all... you've inspired me. I might have to put my pics in a book too :)

Amy said...

Thanks Arlene! I realized when I put this into Blurb yesterday that I have over $150 in Blurb groupon certificates that I have to use by Feb 18. YIKES! So I've been scurrying to put together different books. In doing so I realize how easy Blurb's Online Bookify tool is. I've been creating my pages in Photoshop, but wonder if I could just as easily create them right in Blurb with the same look.


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