Thursday, March 31, 2011

I think I can ... 89::365

Sean has been asking about this movie for months. And when I say he's been asking about it, I mean like every other day he'd ask, "Is Little Engine that Could out yet?" He has a Little Engine that Could game & book for his V-Reader from Grammy & Grampy, and when he saw this movie advertised in a magazine he immediately asked if he could get it.

Yesterday we were all feeling under the weather, and we fell asleep in the late afternoon until 7pm. Oh my! I felt much better after the long, hard nap and decided to run out and buy this movie. We needed a little pick-me-up and decided to have a family fun night. We ordered pizza and watched this movie. I give it two thumbs up. Great message, good script, inspiring music, and a few good jokes thrown in for good measure. I'm sure we will be watching it many, many times so I'm glad I enjoyed it too.

PS. Totally cheated on today's picture. Clearly this isn't my own photo. I didn't even pick up my camera this day, but wanted to document getting the movie.

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