Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dust in the Wind ... 68::365

And so the Lenten season begins. A time for giving up chocolate, pop, TV and the like. I attended mass today to kick-off the event, and received my regulatory ashes on my forehead. I'm ready for the game. The coach's (aka priest) words: We're going to die. Our bodies will return to dust. Whatcha gonna do to get your soul to heaven?

Honestly, Ash Wednesday kind of snuck up on me and I haven't given it much thought. So I slipped into church a few minutes early to chat with God about this very topic. And the words He spoke to me were sacrifice and love. So I think I'll be cranking up my workouts (definitely a sacrifice) and my prayer time (love). We'll see how it goes.

Photo comments: These are the prayer candles by Mary in our church chapel. It was really crazy busy before and after my mass, so I snuck back over after the school mass this afternoon to snap this picture. I didn't have a lot of time, so the composition isn't my favorite. Plus, these were the only three candles lit (and I lit two of them!). I had a much different image in my head when I thought of this shot, figuring plenty of candles would be lit. Clearly not many souls feel the need for Mary's intercession :-)

And now I leave you with Kansas. Apropos for this first day of Lent...

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